Begonia maculata

Begonia maculata

Polka Dot Begonia

Polka Dot Begona
The Polka Dot Begonia can reach a height of more than one meter. In garden centres and nurseries you can usually find young plants that look like the ones in the picture above.



Bright to part sunny locations, with morning, evening and winter sun are fine. If the pot placed is at least one meter behind the window, Begonia maculata will also tolerate some hot summer sun.

Begonia maculata


Regular mixes for indoor and container plants as well as for herbs and vegetables.

Begonia maculata


The soil should be allowed to dry moderately between the waterings. Let it only dry to about 80 % of the pots height before adding water. Avoid the soil from drying out, otherwise flower buds can be thrown off.

Begonia maculata roots


As long as Begonia maculata doesn’t stand above or close to a heater in winter, it gets along well with “regular” indoor humidity. Nevertheless, it is helpful if the leaves are sprayed or showered from time to time to free them of dust.

Begonia maculata


Standard or organic liquid fertilizer can be given every 4th to 8th week during the growing season, which usually lasts from spring to autumn. Long-term fertilizers such as sticks, granules or pellets once each in spring and summer. New bought or recently repotted plants don’t need to be fed for the first year.


According to its tropical origin, Begonia maculata likes it warm the year round. It can spend the winter at 15 to 20 °C (59 to 68 °F) and should not be placed below 10 °C (50 °F) for very long.

Begonia × albopicta
Begonia × albopicta (= B. maculata × B. olbia) is a hybrid naturally occurring in Brazil.


Stem cuttings and leaf cuttings.

Begonia × albopicta cuttings
Rooted cuttings of Begonia × albopicta


Scientific name

Begonia maculata

Common name(s)

Polka Dot Begonia




South America (Argentina, Brazil)


Up to 150 cm



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