Peperomia scandens

Vining Peperomia

Vining Peperomia, Cupid Peperomia (syn. Peperomia serpens)

Peperomia serpens

Does the Vining Peperomia get big?

Vining Peperomia (Peperomia scandens) is a creeping plant, its shoots can grow over a meter long. It looks similar to the Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum), but it is not related to it, but to the Spice Pepper (Piper nigrum).

Is Peperomia scandens easy to care for?

Yes. It can stand warm all year round, so it doesn’t need any special treatment to bloom. Temperatures between 59 and 86 °C (15 and 30 °C) are ideal.

Does Peperomia scandens need bright light?

Its light requirement is not super high, it tolerates partial sun to partial shade locations.

However, the Peperomia scandens “Variegata” shown here may have greening of the leaves if it is placed too dark. This does not harm the plant, it then has predominantly unicolored green leaves.

Peperomia scandens Variegata
Peperomia scandens “Variegata”


The Vining Peperomia does not need to be sprayed. However, if this is done occasionally, it frees its leaves from dust.

And the soil?

The peperomia is not demanding in terms of substrate either. It can be planted in standard mixes for indoor plants, herbs or vegetables.

How often does the Vining Peperomia need to be watered?

It is good if the soil is always kept slightly moist. It should not be submerged in water or allowed to dry out for extended periods of time.

Waterlogging can cause the roots to rot. Fortunately, new plants can then be easily grown from the still healthy shoots and leaves.

Peperomia scandens

How should I fertilize?

Peperomia scandens can receive slow-release fertilizers, i.e. sticks, granules or pellets, as well as liquid fertilizers for ornamental plants or herbs.

It is enough to start giving fertilizer one year after purchase or repotting.

Liquid fertilizer can be given monthly from spring to fall.

Slow-release fertilizers can be added to the soil in the spring and summer.

Is it difficult to propagate?

No, shoot tips, parts of shoots with at least one leaf or individual leaves can be used for this purpose. The cuttings root best at temperatures of 72 °F/22 °C or higher, but can also stand colder.

For leaf cuttings and small cuttings it is good to cover the pot with a large glass or freezer bag so that they do not dry out.

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