Begonia amphioxus

Begonia amphioxus

Pink Spotted Begonia, Amphiox Begonia, Butterfly Begonia

Begonia amphioxus is the little sister of the Polka Dot Begonia (Begonia maculata), it looks similar but is much smaller. Native to Malaysia, it grows only about 40 centimeters tall. It can have single flowers from early summer to fall.

Butterfly Begonia


Bright or half shaded locations are good. This begonia should not be exposed to the hot summer sun. It can handle some morning sun, late evening sun, and full winter sun.


Begonia amphioxus does not require a special substrate and can be grown in standard mixtures for container plants, palms, herbs or vegetables.

Begonia amphioxus flower


The root ball should be evenly moist but not dripping. Do not allow it to dry out. Dryness of the root ball can lead to loss of flower buds. Roots can rot if waterlogged for several days.


Liquid fertilizers for foliage plants, flowering plants, herbs or vegetables can be applied monthly to every eight weeks from spring to late summer, slow release fertilizers (pellets, granules, sticks) in spring and summer.

For the first year after purchase or repotting, Begonia amphioxus does not require fertilization. Most prepared substrates are pre-fertilized.

Butterfly Begonias


In keeping with its tropical origins, Begonia amphioxus likes warm temperatures throughout the year and should not be exposed to temperatures below 59 °F (15 °C) for long periods of time.

Amphiox Begonia


Propagation from stem cuttings and leaf cuttings is possible throughout the year.

At about 68 °F (20 °C) it can take three to six weeks for the first roots to appear on leaf cuttings. Another eight weeks may pass before the first leaves appear.

Propagation with stem cuttings is faster. They also take root in three to six weeks.

Begonia amphioxus and Begonia maculata
Begonia amphioxus and Begonia maculata (right).
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