Crassula ovata “Tricolor”

Crassula ovata Tricolor

Jade Plant, Money Tree, Lucky Plant

Jade Plant


Crassula ovata “Tricolor” is a variety of the popular Jade Plant (Crassula ovata). “Tricolor” differs from the wild type native to South Africa by its green-yellow-red colored leaves.

Jade Plant Tricolor


Location & Temperature

In addition, in order for the leaves of Crassula ovata “Tricolor” to turn an intense color, they need a lot of light. Therefore, it is good if the tricolored Jade Plant is placed in a full to partial sun location.

It can spend the summer in the garden or on the balcony, but there it must be slowly accustomed to the unfiltered sun.

If it should bloom, a cool winter location is perfect, at 41 to 50 °F (5 to 10 °C). What can also be helpful for the flowering is a summer stay on the balcony. The widely differing day and night temperatures can be stimulating.

Overwintering at room temperature is also possible, but can lead to the formation of thin light deficient shoots. Which can be cut off in spring.

Jade Plant Crassula ovata Tricolor

Soil & Watering

If the substrate is allowed to dry out or almost dry out between waterings, the Jade Plant does not necessarily have to be planted in cactus soil. Then it can also cope with standard mixes for pot plants, houseplants, herbs or vegetables.

By the way, a suitable succulent substrate can easily be mixed by yourself from potting soil, bird sand* and clay granules.

During the growing season, from spring to fall, watering is allowed so that the soil can fill up with water.

From autumn to spring, especially in the cool winter quarters, it is important to water only a little at a time, so that the soil is at most slightly moist. Otherwise, the roots may rot.

Money Tree


In the first year after purchase or repotting the Money Tree does not need to be feeded. Thereafter, it can receive liquid fertilizer from spring to fall. Slow-release fertilizer such as sticks or pellets can be given in spring and summer. There is no harm in forgetting to fertilize occasionally.

* The bird sand should be free of additives, such as anise oil.

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