Dendrobium nobile cv.

Noble Dendrobium

Dendrobium nobile



Dendrobium nobile cultivars need high light with some morning or evening sun the year round. Hot summer sun will be tolerated if the pot is placed with a distance of about 50 cm behind the window.

Medium sized orchid bark
Medium and small sized orchid bark (left) and a orchid mix with clay pebbles (right).


Medium to large orchid bark can be used. Either pure or mixed with cocos substrate, clay pebbles or lava gravel.

Dendrobium roots
Let the soil dry between the waterings to about 80 % or 90 % of the pots height. The picture shows substrate with coconut fibres.


During spring and summer the Noble Dendrobium can be deep watered, whats flowing out of the pot should be removed after a few minutes. Sitting in water for more then a few hours will cause rotten roots. Allow the soil to nearly dry between the waterings.


Every 4th to 8th week if the Noble Orchid is actively growing or flowering. Feed with orchid liquid fertilizer or a standard liquid fertilizer at half strength. A new bought or recently repotted plant don’t need to be fed for the first year.

Dendrobium nobile Variegata
Dendrobium nobile “Variegata”


Dendrobium nobile can be cultivated at room temperature during spring and summer and at 10 to 16 °C (50 to 60 °F) at its rest period starting in fall.


In late autumn after its pseudo bulbs have fully matured, the Noble Orchid needs a dormant rest to initiate flower buds. It now should be placed at 10 to 16 °C (50 to 60 °F). Watering has to be reduced, give only enough to prevent the orchid from shriveling (approx. every 2 to 3 weeks). A fertilizer must not be given.

If the buds are 1 cm (0.39 inch) long, watering can be resumed and it can given back to its old location.

After flowering the pseudobulbs can drop their leaves. They should not be cut off as they may show further flowers.

Dendrobium nobile


With offshoots (keikis), cuttings or by division.


Scientific name

Dendrobium nobile

Common name(s)

Noble Orchid




The wild type is native to China, Indo-China and Nepal.


Up to 80 cm



Dendrobium phalaenopsis and D. nobile
A Dendrobium phalaenopsis cultivar (left) and a white flowering D. nobile cultivar (right).
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