Scindapsus treubii

Scindapsus treubii

Silver Vine

With its thick, slightly succulent leaves, Scindapsus treubii looks like a variety of Peperomia maculosa. Rather than a plant closely related to the Epripremnum species or Scindapsus pictus.

There are two forms of this member of the Aroid family, native to Borneo, Java and Malaysia: The cultivar (?*) “Moonlight” shown here and “Dark Form” with dark green leaves.

Scindapsus treubii Moonlight
Scindapsus treubii “Moonlight”


Scindapsus treubii will grow in partial shade to partial sun and will tolerate morning sun, late afternoon sun and winter sun. It should not be exposed to the hot summer sun. Unless the pot is placed at least one metre behind a window.


Silver Vine does not need a special substrate, standard potting mixes for houseplants, container plants, herbs, vegetables or palms can be used.


Allow the root ball to dry out to about 75% of its height between waterings. It should not dry out completely or be submerged for long periods.

Scindapsus treubii root ball
Most of the roots are in the bottom of the pot.


Scindapsus treubii does not need fertilising in the first year after purchase or repotting. Thereafter, it can be fed occasionally from spring to autumn with liquid fertiliser for green or flowering plants.

Sticks, granules or pellets, known as slow-release fertilisers, are also suitable. These can be applied in spring and summer.


Silver Vine is native to tropical regions and does well at room temperature all year round. The minimum winter temperature is about 59 °F (15 °C).

Scindapsus treubii Silver Vine


Unless growing next to or above a radiator, Scindapsus treubii will tolerate moderately humid indoor air.

Regular spraying would be of little help as it will only increase humidity for a short time. However, it will remove dust from the leaves.

Silver Vine Scindapsus treubii


Like the other Scindapsus species, Scindapsus treubii is easy to propagate from cuttings. Stem cuttings with only one leaf are suitable. They root well in a place protected from direct sunlight at temperatures between 72 and 86 °F (22 and 30 °C).

Scindapsus treubii cutting
Cutting with an aerial root.

* I have not been able to find out whether the forms mentioned are cultivated varieties or if the wild form is sold under one of these names.

Scindapsus treubii and Peperomia maculosa
Scindapsus treubii and Peperomia maculosa (right).
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